Thursday, September 25, 2008

Opportunity House

is a Pearl S. Buck International - PSBI program that has opened doors to life improving health and education programs for some of our world’s most disadvantaged children, families, and communities. Opportunity House programs in China, Korea, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam provide a hand-up, rather than a hand-out to those they serve. These children are disabled, ethnic minority, orphaned and/or refugee, stateless or displaced.

I learned of Opportunity House after reading about the APL Benefit and Allen Pineda Lindo (of the Black Eyed Peas) himself was helped by PSBIOH. I have decided to donate all Crop Dreams proceeds (minus PayPal Fees), to PSBIOH. I will also post a copy of the donation receipt. If you would like to make a donation directly to PSBIOH, follow this link.

There is so much in the collab kit, that I am having to play around with the previews to get it all in. I hope to post my first Preview Reveal 1st week of October.

If you are a quick page artist and would like to participate, please leave a comment or email me at with a link to your gallery, so that I may review your work. I would like to add bracket quick pages or other hybrid quick pages to the kit.

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